
They say there is great beauty in surrender. It is surrendering to situations and circumstances that are out of your control, allowing the flow of events to play out, and embracing both the light and the dark. That to ride the waves of emotions, breathe, tread water, and float to the shore is a gift.

What if the ultimate surrender is not to an external experience you face but to the truth of who you are? Simply surrendering to how you authentically move through this world. The shore does not represent the stable ground after a rocky experience. Instead, the shore reflects your soul, your truth. As the waves of emotions touch the land, allow yourself to shift and mold just as damp sand does. Coming closer to the truth of who you are and learning how the wet sand is a gift. Then, you can build your reality with the same curiosity and excitement as a child in creating a sandcastle. 

To surrender to the truth of who you are, you must first learn to accept yourself without judgment — embracing how you innately experience the world around you. I have always felt such intense and deep emotions, at times feeling like an invisible force was pulling me to the ocean floor. I have been told this was written in the stars, four natal placements in Scorpio. Alternatively, others have said that the depth of how I feel results from the circumstances and challenges I have faced in this life. Perhaps the answer lies somewhere in between, a cosmically orchestrated life map that allows me the gift of complexity. For me, the biggest challenge has been to accept the capacity of emotions I can feel without allowing them to consume me. Remembering that I have the gift of breathe as I walk through the darkness of the ocean floor, that I am not drowning. While others may seem to tread the water's surface with ease, I am learning how to go deep with grace. In accepting myself as I am, I realize that I am not broken and there is nothing to fix. The difference is a gift; the capacity for depth has fueled a curiosity and desire to understand and help others. 

I am learning that there is an exquisite richness in the contrast between the vast ocean and the light of the land. A contrast that allows me to see the light of my shore with more clarity, knowing that I can walk between light and dark. I surrender to the truth of how I feel without letting my emotions consume and control my actions. Knowing my shore will remain intact after a hurricane because I am the shore. I am the light of the sun on the surface of the sand. I surrender to the gift of who I am and will use this contrast to build the most beautiful life.


Exploring Oneself Through Tarot